Policies and Procedures
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Policy
Release of Personal Information Policy
Respectful & Fair Treatment of Students Policy
Sexual assault is a term that refers to an unwanted sexual act against or without a person’s consent. This type of assault encompasses more than violent physical incidents—sexual assault refers to any sexual, physical, verbal, or visual act that forces a person against their will to join in unwanted sexual conduct or attention.
There are many short and long-term effects of sexual assault that affect the mind, body, and spirit. Many survivors experience one or more of these effects and they are not mutually exclusive. For example, a physical reaction to trauma such as self-injury can be the result of depression. The physical, mental, and spiritual effects following sexual assault and rape are difficult to cope with. If you or someone you know is experiencing effects from a sexual assault, there are many resources that can assist.
In an emergency situation, always call 911. Emergency situations include a recent threat of violence, a recent act of violence, or if someone’s health is in imminent danger. Below are Crisis Hotlines that are available 24 hours a day:
VictimLink BC is a toll-free, confidential, multilingual crisis hotline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Student Dismissal & Code of Conduct Policy
Student Dispute Resolution Policy
Student Learning & Evaluation Policy